Transformers Fall of Cybertron Free Download transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the Autobots and Decepticons. The final mode, "Battle for the Shards", features Capture the Flag-style gameplay teams search for shards of the AllSpark and return them to their base to earn points.About Transformers Fall of Cybertron Free Download Incl. "One Shall Stand" is similar to Team Deathmatch the difference is that the objective is for a player to take out the enemy leader (Optimus Prime or Megatron) while protecting their own. "Control Points" features gameplay similar to the Star Wars Battlefront series, with teams battling for control of specific areas to gain points. "Team Deathmatch" features Autobots vs Decepticons. "Deathmatch" allows players to choose any character in a free-for-all battle. Multiplayer features five different modes. This allows the player to choose what missions they would like to accomplish and where in order to further drive the story. Unlike its predecessor, Revenge of the Fallen features a hub-like, non-linear mission progression. The game expands on the movie plot with additional missions and characters.

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